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sugar tolerance中文是什么意思

用"sugar tolerance"造句"sugar tolerance"怎么读"sugar tolerance" in a sentence


  • 耐糖度
  • 耐糖性
  • 糖耐量


  • Whats the influence of yi heng on diabetic patients insulin release and sugar tolerance
  • Betaine from barbary wolfberry fruit possesses the efficacies of pushing blood sugar down on a marked , stable and lasting basis , and improving the sugar tolerance
  • Particularly the experiment results of the influence of jiangtangsu on the diabetic rats islet insulin release and blood sugar tolerance also support the theory that a tremendous change has taken place to the islet cytomorphology .
    尤其实验室胰衡中主要要成份“降糖素- deona对糖尿病大鼠胰岛素释放量以及糖耐量”实验结果表明,亦非常支持对胰岛组织细胞形态学发生了巨大改变这一科学的实验结果。
  • Specially warning : youd better have a pancreas function test insulin and c - peptide releasing , etc . , at least a sugar tolerance test and takes the same test again after a course of treatment so as to compare the effect , observe the range of pancreas function improving and guide you how to take drugs for the next step
用"sugar tolerance"造句  


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